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Trevor Beck - Whatever is Clever

Trevor Beck, lives and works in Eugene, Oregon and is better known in the borosilicate industry as Whatever is Clever Art. Trevor dove into his passion for boro glass in the summer of 2013. Playing with different techniques over the first 5 years of his career, he one day became inspired by soft glass frit painter David Willis. Over the next 5 years he progressed, and mastered the techniques of microwave fusing realism borosilicate frit portraits. He has since placed at Glass Vegas World Series of Glass in the Solo category in 2022 and 2023, opening the eyes of many others to what can be done with frit glass and at home microwaves.

Being self taught requires overcoming many obstacles, which helped him become able to share the knowledge he has obtained since 2018. He offers individual classes for students interested in the art of frit painting, and hopes to see more cross in the art worlds of painting and glass art.